The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Friday 14 September 2012

Tories Move To Next Phase Of The Class War.

Having deliberately caused a double-dip recession in order to provide the necessary alibi for an assault on the welfare state and to starve the NHS of funds to soften it up for privatisation, the Tories are now rolling out their flanking attack on ordinary working people. Liam Fox is calling for even more swinging cuts in welfare in order to fund a tax cut for himself and his rich mates under cover of the need to "stimulate" the economy and show that Britain is "open for business." In effect, of course, he is merely telling the world that the Tories are willing to expose the people of Britain to exploitation. Still he was always willing to go further than most Tories in his campaign to enrich himself at our expense and seems to have been given the unofficial position of giving the rest of us the bad news. The opening salvo is the reduction of the maximum £72,000 compensation cap for unfair dismissal to one years pay. Of course if you're a banker that could run into millions - for the rest of us it would be considerably less. The reintroduction of slavery into Britain has moved on with the declaration that those being forced to labour for less than the minimum wage must not be promised a job in the future. Meanwhile the cost of Ian Duncan Smith's "reform" of welfare remains a closely regarded secret since the truth is that it is not about saving money but about exploiting the unemployed. Coupled with the deliberate undermining of education, which is rapidly becoming an export only industry, the message is as clear as it is outrageous - the Tories are selling us down the river to enrich themselves and those who pay their wages. They are deliberately turning this country into a sweatshop - hence the parallel attack on health and safety - because they cannot stomach the alternative of a highly-paid, highly skilled workforce. They see us as peasants and intend to treat us as such.

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