The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Tories Cash In On The NHS.

As the NHS gradually slips away from its rightful owners - you and me - it has emerged that the Tory party has already pocketed over £10 million in bribery money from their corporate pals. Circle Health have handed over £1.4 million alone and have already begun to colonise lucrative government posts in anticipation of the free-for-all to come. Christina Linnet, formally a spin doctor for Circle, has now become Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt's "media boss" and is set to continue her campaign of propaganda against the NHS from within the government itself. Meanwhile, as part of a "cross-over" colonisation from government to Circle, Tory MP Mark Simmonds is pocketing a tidy £50,000 a year from the company in return for a whole ten hours of "work". While Cameron and his henchmen are always eager to characterise the perfectly open relationship between Labour and the unions as somehow sinister, they regard this outrageous and obvious corruption as completely normal. Nothing could demonstrate better the criminal nature of the Tory party or the arrogance of a political party that sees Britain as its own private fiefdom to be plundered and exploited at will. This is theft, plain and simple, and this government, both Tory and LibDem, should be held to account for it.

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