The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

NHS To Be Exported Abroad.

In a breathtaking piece of sheer hypocrisy the Tories are suggesting that the NHS should use its powerful image abroad to export its services and cash in on its reputation for excellence. Apparently the government is drooling over the possibility that the NHS could make a killing in China and India while, it cynically claims, generating both profits and employment here in Britain. All this, it would seem, from an organisation that was in such a state of disorder that it urgently needed to be reformed by the Tories before it collapsed. In fact, of course, it is simply another example of the new capitalism in which profits are privatised but investment and debt are nationalised. Taxpayers will be expected to stump up the money for a new-style NHS that will sell its services abroad while ignoring the needs of the people who pay for it at home. Meanwhile a few "entrepeneurial managers" and "managerial consultants," all of them donators to the Tory party, will enrich themselves without making any investment or risking a penny themselves and foreign labour will work long hours for a pittance and with few, if any, rights. In other words it will be turned into a Tory wet dream and the rest of us, you and me, will have to make do with a return to workhouse infirmaries.

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