The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Lansley Steals £7.5 Million From The NHS.

The map pictured above shows the progress made by Lansley's privatisation of the NHS so far. Great swathes of the country are already in the hands of corporate healthcare bloodsuckers and more areas are soon to follow suit. Andrew Lansley is stealing the NHS from its real owners, you and me, and handing it over to his rich pals in the full and certain expectation that they will show their gratitude by increasing their "donations" to the Tory party. This is nothing better then fraud, the more so because the Tories have no mandate for this and directly lied to the electorate about it before the election. Worse still, Lansley has wasted £7.5 million of our money in the form of various "management" fees while he has deliberately starved hospitals of money in order to force them into bankruptcy. There are two methods by which this wholesale theft of a national asset can be halted. Both David Cameron and Andrew Lansley should be told in no uncertain terms that they will face criminal charges for this act of theft and all those corporations who are in receipt of what are actually stolen goods will have them taken off them with no compensation. Iceland has shown us the rest of the world what can be achieved when the public stand up for themselves and imprison the people who would steal entire countries for their own personal ends.

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