The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Ed Milliband Rolls Over And Plays Dead.

In response to the biggest crisis to face capitalism in modern times Ed Milliband has decided to close his eyes, hang on tight and keep quiet. To win power, which seems to be his only ambition, he has decided that thinking outside the box is a definite no-no. His idea is that the Labour party needs to win the confidence of the electorate by not rocking the leaky Thatcherite boat and to go along with a neoliberal economic thesis that has delivered nothing but growing inequality and economic meltdown. To be fair he's doing nothing more than political leaders across Europe who have seen the system crash disasterously and whose only answer is to patch it up once more, cross their fingers and hope for the best. The system is irrecoverably broken and cannot and should not be repaired. It needs replacing and we need leaders who know how to actually lead instead of running around like startled sheep. Despite all the evidence that unregulated greed is counter-productive, that inequality is bad for economic wellbeing and that cutting budgets is simply an admission of failure, Keynsian economics has been virtually outlawed. "You cannot spend your way out of recession," they tell us. But where is the evidence that we can cut our way out of it? The sheer lack of imagination or even understanding is staggering amongst these second-raters. We at the "News In Shorts" have a message for these so-called leaders, and for Ed Milliband in particular, from a man who can lay some claim to the title, Franklin D. Roosevelt; "Do something. If it works do it again. If it doesn't, do something else."

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