The News In Shorts

How the news would look if everyone stopped waffling and told the truth.

Thursday 15 September 2011

LibDems Worried About "Loss of Identity."

The LibDems, it seems, are worried about a "loss of identity" after their close association with the Tories in the coalition government. "It's always a problem when you sell your soul to the devil," a LibDem spokesperson admitted, "and even worse when the price you got was so low. Now we have an uphill struggle trying to prove that we're still LibDems. We might be able to persuade the party faithful but I think the rest of the country is a write off to be honest. All we can do is play to the gallery and hope for the best. The electorate in this country have a thirty-second memory by and large so if we pretend that nothing's changed perhaps they'll fall for it." A Tory spokesman between sniggers told us; "All we have to do now is see Labour off and we've got it made. I think that David Cameron's triumphant entry into Behghazi today will probably pay dividends, especially as Cleggy was nowhere to be seen and Sarkozy was so obviously shorter than David. We even managed to get William Hague to stand in the background so that the sun didn't glint off his head and divert attention away from our leader. You can't buy publicity like that!"

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